All about the band. Releases, including singles & videos Go see them live. The whole reason you're visiting this site. The pictures...RETURN! Like Rhoda, but for COC. Other places to go, I guess. All the cool people who helped me out. The OFFICIAL COC site


Courtesy of You Tube.

Dance Of The Dead

Appeared on Beavis & Butthead.

Vote With A Bullet

Directed by Eric Meza, director of House Party 3.

Clean My Wounds

Directed by Dean Carr


Directed by Sam Bayer

Drowning In A Daydream

(will post soon?)


King Of The Rotten on MTV2


Psychic Vampire

Feed On

How to play King Of The Rotten
How to play Albatross
How to play more of Albatross
How to play Clean My Wounds

TV Appearances?

You watch the Daily Show? Before that, John Stewart had his own show that was cancelled pretty quickly. The band appeared on The John Stewart Show "right before he got cancelled. they never payed us our $700." They played Clean My Wounds; HERE IT IS.

I also found out from Daniel Atkins at that the band appeared on a show called Sound FX, also cancelled, which was on Fox's cable stations FX. According to Mike Dean, "the melvins were on it one time as well, really good by the way, and after it was cancelled the network used the same converted loft space as a set for a show about dogs and i happened to tune in to it from some damn motel to see a couple of exquisitely groomed standard poodles prancing around where we played. As for songs we completed Clean My Wounds , Albatross and Senior Limpio and did Deliverance as the credits rolled. we used to have senior limpio on the sony site for download..."

Wait, Glen Fricker tells me: "Hey, I just thought you'd like to know, C.O.C. did appear LIVE on Canada's MUCHMUSIC "Power 30" show. They did "Senor Limpo." Actually, it was quite hilarious. Reed climbed up on his drums at the end of the song, which promptly COLLAPSED!! Drums, Cymbals, arms, legs, everywhere."

Ryan McCallum tells me: "COC once appeared on a show in the UK called "The Word" - a really awful "youth culture" show, except they always had some cool bands, COC, Sepultura etc etc... Anyways they played a short version of "Albatross" (about 3 and half minutes) Pepper shouted MOTHERFUCKER during the chorus a few times, Mike and Reed then proceded to destroy the drum kit at the end of the show, leaving the dimwitted show presenter looking rather shocked and bemused..." Thanks for the info!

C.O.C. fan Pat Barry writes: "Corrosion of Conformity did appear on a show called "WAAF Real Rock TV", which is run by Boston's local rock station WAAF. Apparently, they were part of a WAAF show I think was called the "Christmas Rave" back in 1996."

Keith Young writes, "Hi I love your Vote with a bullet site and I don't know if you are already aware of it but COC (Pepper and Woody) were on muchmusic's LOUD show last Saturday night(11/4) for pretty much the whole hour. They had a fairly lengthy interview with them and played most of their videos (definitely a refreshing change from the neo-metal korn-limp bizkit stuff they play mostly these days). Pepper and Woody also picked a few videos to play such as Kyuss, Slayer, pantera, etc. I had Clean my wounds, Albatross, and a poor copy of Vote with a bullet already and I have been actively trying to find the others. In order, the COC videos they played were: Dance of the Dead, Vote with a bullet, Albatross, and Clean my Wounds. They also played the ultra rare Down video Stone the crow (my holy grail) which I had never seen and which features Pepper quite prominently in it. All in all, the only COC they did'nt play was drowning in a daydream, which I am still looking for." Someone sent me a band appearance on a German tv show called Metalla. The show featured an interview with the band along with several clips from their tour with Metallica. Pretty ass-kickin'.

COC has appeared on Headbanger's Ball and that metal show on Fuse several times.

More heavily copyrighted stuff soon.